Here at Compliance Water Services we have always maintained that managing the risk of Legionella should be a whole of an organisation approach. It can’t be just left to the maintenance officers or cleaning staff turn taps on or to take chlorine residuals. Queensland health through there ‘Notifying a Detection’ form for Legionella now requires the actions that were undertaken on the clinical side for the resident to be submitted on the form.
Asking what type of care is provided for the patients or residents. Patient exposure specifying what immediate actions were taken to manage patient exposure to water contaminated with Legionella.
And finally what corrective actions were taken, specifying immediate actions taken with respect to the affected water system and/or fixture to address the presence of Legionella in the water.
It is essential that on the notification of a positive Legionella result that immediate action from a Clinical side and maintenance aspect is taken and everything is recorded and documented.
Compliance Water Services can assist you with Water Risk Management Plans and help with developing systems to ensure documentation is maintained for the remedial action taken. Ph 0429431709 or email or send an inquiry through our website here.